how to...get more karma in a plurk

HOW TO...get more karma in a Plurk

yes, in plurm getting karma is the most important thing to do

first of all...

what is a "karma"?

karma in the plurk is numbers that says how often do you plurk

if you plurk more, you will gain more karma

when your karma get more and more, there are also more things you can try in plurk

then, how to get more karma in a plurk?

step 1  get lot of friend in plurk(remember, real friends that will look at your plurk)

step 2  everytime when you turn on your computer, plurk all the thing while you are doing
           (points: if you got telants, for example drawing, post your picture in your plurk)

step 3  go to your friends' plurk and leave your comment or use it as a chat room if you want

step 4  check on the plurk symbiles, when they get more and more, that means your karma is gaining

step 5  remember to use the symbiles more, for example: the dancing banana; the rocking banana....


if you don't have a plurk, get one!